At Brookdale Central Whittier in Whittier, California, you can redefine your independence at an assisted living community that offers support to meet your needs. That means trading chores for a full activities calendar and trading living by yourself in a quiet house for a private apartment and community full of vibrant people. We can handle the cooking, cleaning, and home maintenance so you can do more of what you love. And you’ll do it in a luxurious community that will feel like home sweet home before you know it.
Our cozy residence is designed and built to provide comfort, beauty, and privacy in a charming, coastal setting. With private apartments and areas for socializing, dining, and entertaining, we offer opportunities for you to enjoy your interests, and you can live life to the fullest with the support and care that our compassionate staff provides. Our team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to be alerted to an emergency.