Keith Piscitello, CFP CRPC – Life Insurance/Long Term Care

Keith Piscitello, CFP CRPC – Life Insurance/Long Term Care


Most adults when moving have a chance to get a mortgage pre-approval before moving into a new home to ensure they can afford the payments.

When there is a healthcare crisis or a downsizing need, as a CFP professional with a focus on working with seniors in transition, we take a look at all assets and income, debts and expenses and come up with a plan to optimize what resources the older adult has available so we can have a plan to ensure they don’t run out of money and become a burden to their family.

We take a look at their existing planning (insurance, estate, tax, investment, and income) to determine where gaps may exist or where missed opportunities may result in significant added long-term financial impact and put together an implementation schedule to simplify and coordinate their financial life.

Contact us for an initial complimentary consultation.

Free Consulting and Consulting Fees – Please inquire to determine which applies.



Type of Consult

  • Free consult

Phone Number

(515) 517-0069

